My post-class, pre-career plan?

This semester has been a whirl-wind of an adventure! Let me tell ya! I have never had so much information shoved in my face and so much of what I had thought proven wrong before! But it was all worth it! I’ve made online acquaintances, some teachers and some education driven fanatics, and relationships with my classmates that have helped me become a better learner and future teacher as well.

Even though the semester is coming to an end in the classroom, I plan to still further my education via twitter, blogging and reading! I don’t know if I will blog and tweet as much as I did in class but I want to read even more! I want to read more fiction and non-fiction books but I also want to read more professional development books. They are great for future teachers as they give tips to just about every question you could possibly have they calm whatever nerves you may have, or sometimes they make them come alive!

Next semester I have a lot going on. I plan on taking O and P which will bring me that much closer to finishing school. I still have a while to go but I’m getting there. I’m also taking grammar and linguistics, world Lit and Adolescent Lit. I’m taking other classes but they’re kind of there to just take up space. These are the classes that I am excited for the most! They’re a part of my major so I know they will be useful to me later on!

Where do I go from here? That is a good question! I’m just seeing where each day takes me and seeing what happens. I’m kind of one who is free and open-minded when it comes to my future. Like I have a plan but it’s only for the next day. I get too stressed and worried when I think about the future and everything I have to do before I graduate. I’m just taking this one day at a time.

I’m excited to see what my future holds as a learner and a teacher. I’m anxious to see what kind of a teacher I will be and how my classroom will be compared to what we have learned this semester. I have a more firm grasp of what I can do to further my education and knowledge about the things we have touched base upon and how they can help me in the future.

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